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Nothing kills that cat.




你或许拥有无限的财富,一箱箱的珠宝和一柜柜的黄金。 但你永远不会比我富有—— 我有一位读书给我听的妈妈!

植树 --英语看图写话  

2012-10-21 09:54:57|  分类: 英语角 英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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植树 --看图写话 - 晶莹冰花 - 晶莹冰花



     Last Sunday was Tree Planting Day. Some students decided to plant some trees in the mountains.

 In the morning they met at the school gate.Then they went there by bus. When they got there,they began to plant trees.

Some dug holes, some planted trees, and others  watered the trees.

They worked very hard until they came back home in the very late afternoon. They were very tired but they felt very happy.

植树 --看图写话 - 晶莹冰花 - 晶莹冰花

       Today is March 12th. It is Tree Planting Day. The weather was very fine. It was a good day for planting trees.

     I got up at 6:00 in the morning as usual. I helped mum with the house work, and then I put on my old closes and went to Yangtai Mountain to plant trees with my classmates.

We began to plant trees as soon as we got there. Some dug holes, some planted trees, and others  watered the trees. The birds were also singing happily as if they knew we were helping them build a better new home. 

    We worked very hard until we came back home in the very late afternoon. Though it was hard work for us, we felt very happy, because we knew the mountain would become much more beautiful when the young trees grew up

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